what is ooStrands?

ooStrands is a maya/arnold plugin developed by octoplug.xyz. The plug-in can be downloaded here : www.octoplug.xyz

Release Notes

  • v0.1 : first beta version


Octoplug plug-ins use the maya’s module scheme distribution. Every maya plug-in download from octoplug.xyz use the same folder structure.

Once extracted the plugin is composed of a folder named ooPluginName.

Under this folder you have the maya's module structure. You can place this folder where you want on your computer or server but you need to specify to MAYA_MODULE_PATH environment variable where is located this folder to allow maya to find the plugins.

So for exemple, if you extract your plugin under c:\octoplug\ooPluginName, to get it recognize by maya you need to add the following line in the maya.env file (C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\maya\20##): MAYA_MODULE_PATH = C:\octoplug\ooPluginName

If a line starting by MAYA_MODULE_PATH = is already present simply add your new plugin path at the end of the line like this, with a semi colon between the two path: MAYA_MODULE_PATH = ####;C:\octoplug\ooPluginName

If you are in a company ask to your td/it for installing those tools.
If your are not using MtoA please refer to the arnold documentation on how install custom shader.


ooStrands is compatible with maya 2017/2018 and with arnold5+